Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Confessions of a smoker ✖‿✖

Yes, i am a convinced smoker n i am not planning on quitting ... ever, if that were possible. However, the reason i write this for is a simple one... i am conscious of what i am doing, i am the only one capable of deciding for myself n nobody can impose on me what i should do with my life. But, if i have these rights, wouldn't it be fair that others have them too?... Practically, when i smoke, especially in a bar, i want the ones sitting at the table next to mine to smoke too ... n passive smoking is even more dangerous for them than smoking is to me. Even if i don't know these people, i don't see why i should take their fundamental rights of life and health?.. i enjoy every cigar
ette i light... but i realize that every puff i blow affects persons dear to me... friends, lovers, parents....The persons around me will die of cancer faster than me, n i do not want to see them suffer. Becuz of these reasons i sustain this project, though it might seem a paradox. We should all have equal rights..n be able to share the same sweet mountain air without having to stand the cigarette smoke which takes away our joy n our health...i won't quit, i will still smoke...because it is not the moment for me to quit...but, if one day i will decide to  quit..i wish i would find as many people who think like me n the rest of the persons behind this project as possible... (◕‿◕✿)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not thinking like you.. But, this is interesting. Notify me when you're no longer a smoker.. =)
